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The Forex (FX) and Contract for Difference (CFD) sector is a dynamic and innovative component of the global financial services industry. Firms operating in this market are using real-time processes, solutions, and technologies to offer specialist products and administer services to a diverse range of clients and jurisdictions.

The FX and CFD market continues to evolve and expand as new and similar trading options like spread betting and crypto-currencies open up new business choices and opportunities. Against this background and pace of change and evolution, the sector is increasingly coming under the interest and scrutiny of domestic and international regulatory and supervisory agencies like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the European Securities & Markets Authority (ESMA). They seek to ensure consumer protections and the inherently higher risks of often complex and leveraged products are being delivered in terms of conduct, regulatory capital, and best-practice standards and expectations. 

FX&XCFD.com offers a wide range of added-value services to FX and CFD firms by efficiently complementing and improving their existing internal structures and functions, and assisting them to achieve their business objectives and goals. We work with all sizes of the firm to help them successfully navigate the prevailing and changing regulatory landscape, and assist them in maintaining the necessary risk-based systems and controls which proportionately reflect the nature, scale, and complexity of their business.    

The resources offered by FX&CFD.com, bring a significant wealth of sector-related experience and knowledge, with professional resourcing having held a broad range of senior roles and positions within the sector to deliver a confident, responsive, and solutions-orientated approach to the needs and experiences of clients.